So, the bad news and the good news: the bad news--we're still here, thanks to more plumbing problems and a gale-force storm in the northeast, the good news--the fire was a joke, believe it or not, and we're supposed to leave tomorrow. Only the fifth delay in departure date! The funny thing is, we were supposed to leave on Saturday, which besides having sixty-knot winds also was the anniversary of the infamous Perfect Storm. Not an auspicious date.

This is me, rowing across the harbor on another cold, rainy, and windy October day, heading to our going-away party, that ended up being a week premature. Oh well. I know we should have left a month-and-a-half ago--the gales and the weather are just going to get worse, and I keep kicking myself for not having been ready to leave a month ago. How could we have been so stupid? How could we have procrastinated so much? At least I'm learning how to row.

Peter (my brother) and Karl at the party. Thanks for coming, Peter!

Ray, Megan, and Scott at our going-away party. Shout out, guys. Thanks for coming. Sorry for feeling too guilty for being here this last week to hang out.

Seth, Karl's nephew, seems to get more and more confused as we get ready to leave. He's been expressing interest in all of our old backpacking stuff lately, and here he tries on Karl's old, stinky backpack. When Karl and he took off for a walk around the backyard and Grammy asked when they'd be back, he said, "A year!" I'm not sure if he understands if we're going hiking or going sailing.
Thanks for the journaling, I'm interested in getting a boat and living on it too someday. So don't skimp out on dishing out the dirt on the lifestyle/experience. I thru hiked the PCT SoBo in 05 under the trailname Teflon. Thanks again.
So, it's nov 5th. Are you adrift?
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