Secret on a cold and stormy October day in New England. We're rowing out--you can see Karl's oar in the foreground.

Karl rowing out in the dinghy on the blustery New England day. This is the wonderful view I get whenever he rows me out to the boat. And yes, I am practicing my dinghy-rowing skills!

Another beautiful October day's sunset, in Marion Harbor. Those are our neighboring boats--Freestyle, the powerboat to the right, and Corsair, the navy blue sailboat to the left.

Our naked transom. This job is what Karl's been working on, one of the things that's delaying our departure. He scraped off "Top Seacret", and then we decided we needed to paint the transom to cover up the residue that remained even after sanding. I think it looks great, especially for having been done in the water, but Karl's a paint perfectionist.
Hey. I looked at that boat. I bought Selah, A Ranger 33, If you did'nt leave Marion yet and want to sail in heavy air on my boat, e-mail Ranger33Selah@aol.com and I will give you my contact info.
Dave Harrold
S/V Selah
Ranger 33
Message from Vocal:
Good luck on the trip, congrats on the 2 years. Nice hair County!
Your new adventure sounds terrific. I'm curious to hear what happens in the next year. Be safe, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. . .
--Flamingo (Victor)
Ok, so have you left? Are you on the boat? Time for an update!
The 'Her' of Herman sez....
You're in trouble, girl.
I see your point re: 'your view'.
He's some hunky kinda dude, that Karl.
Gonna be hard keeping your eyes and your mind, on the sail.
Have a wonderful adventure!!!
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