Thursday, June 23, 2011

On the living room floor

These are the golden, dreamy days of summer, when light stretches until ten o'clock at night, when even the black flies are dazed for what passes as heat, when the loons call over the lake and the moon rises low and yellow. These are the days that make me realize why people live in Maine. Maybe. I just spent three days at a Little Madawaska Lake with friends, fishing, kayaking, reading, and sitting in the sun.

And now, so soon, the days are getting shorter again. If there's one thing Aroostook County forces me to realize, it's how fleeting are the days of summer. I spent as many minutes as possible outside today, even if it was just wandering around barefoot in the grass. Even weeding leeks is exquisite joy if I can have sun on my shoulders. Rain's forecast for all of this weekend, but I'm going to appreciate every seventy-degree day I get.

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