15.5 nm
Wind: calm
Maximum speed: 5.1 knots
Maximum speed under sail: 1.3 knots
Average speed: 3.6 knots
Latitude: 39°08.09’N
Longitude: 076°14.81’W
I have wireless! I'm extremely psyched, as this is the first time from the boat. I'm sure I'm pirating off one or the other of the marinas here, which we will do our absolute level best to patronize tomorrow, so I don't feel too guilty. Besides, I have to stand halfway out of the boat, with the laptop on the companionway to get a signal. As long as it's not too easy, that makes it right, right?
No wind today, and fog again this morning, but Karl still got a lot accomplished. I guess I did, too, but my accomplishments were getting the dead fish smell off the dishes and pounding out 3400 words of the novel I have to get finished by November 30. I'll be kind of happy when November's done, although I'm thrilled to be on track. I haven't even posted any of my word count to the nanowrimo.org website.
But Karl unpacked and repacked the entire quarter-berth, put the 120 genoa on our roller-furling system, and went through all the random crap lockers on the boat. He even, bless his heart, found space for his toolboxes somewhere other than beneath my table. It's things like that that let me know he loves me. Despite the continued use of the five-gallon-bucket for a head.
Besides, which when we got into town tonight, we went and splurged on burgers and wings, something which my heart was definitely set on and his was not. There's a great little place right on the water, and they had fantastic food. We wolfed it down like we had never even heard of food before. I thought we were bad on the trail, but we were awful tonight. I felt like a vampire or something. We've been eating great on the boat, but there's nothing like having a huge slab of greasy meat. I've also been dreaming, every night for the last week, about baked goods. I guess there's nothing for it but to learn how to bake a danish.
We're tied up to a free dock for the first time on the trip, right behind Serenity, who we've been tagging along behind. I feel a little bad for Geoff, because he's all alone and has even less money than we do, which is really saying something. We were able to splurge tonight, and he had food too, but I know we have more than he does. It's just hard when we know how we have to ration for the rest of the trip. We've been splurging so rarely, which is why we were able to tonight. I'm sure it would be the same if Lise and Marcel were here, but the other way around.
So I guess I'll hang my head out the companionway and see if this will post. The pictures for this leg may be a little more tough.
I just spent the last half hour or so catching up on your adventure. I admit, I was a little worried with the long absence.
First.. your writing skills are marvelous. I'm really enjoying it. I think your blog itself would make a great book. Time to find an agent.
Second... try flickr for hosting your photos. Resize before you upload. You can also use the flickr uploader tool which makes it drag/drop. You can also specify a license for your photo and geotag.
The geotags would be particularly useful since I have no clue where some of these places are and google maps isn't the best at tracking a sailboat moving along the coast.
Keep up the great work!
Hey guys this is derek from cape cod looks like things are going okay. Just a quick note to say hello and tell you the wife and I are watching the journey. Also you may think you have no money try working everyday and having no money. the hell with money just have fun. great to see Karl with someone he loves. glad I got to see you two before you left on the trip. I will keep in touch. You are doing a great job on the updates.
Hey guys. Nice to hear from you last night. How's your head today? Bill's hurts! This is so awesome to read. Karl's pics are tremendous! I agree with others who have commented- this is a book that must be published. As you probably know there are others who dream of doing what you are doind. My brother and his wife specifically. Although their three kids (ages 14, 12, and 8) may not share that dream, it is real just the same. So- I think your story is owed to those who know you, know the same hungry spirit for adventure, know a sailor's life or all the above. Please do this. In the meantime, I will catch up with the posting, after I plod through my very anchored, nicely boring, daily chores and errands here on land in Onset. Perhaps I will have Santa drop you a Marc Anthony's pizza...
Please let me know what you need, anytime, anything. Whether personal or equipment. As for the treat you mentioned on the phone last night, Bill is working on it- Skippy or Jiff? Smooth or chunky? ; )
See ya. Gotta take the cats to the vet. Yawn.
- Brita (and Bill, snoring in the recliner)
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